Young Professionals Challenge
Circular Economy and Supply Chain Transformation
The Young Professionals Day (YPD) is now becoming the Young Professionals Challenge (YPC)! This event focuses on the topics of Circular Economy and Supply Chain Transformation.
Join in with your company in this unique and enriching experience and challenge the next generation of leaders in Supply Chain Management and Sustainability. The one-day event offers a dynamic platform for Young Professionals with the business simulation The Blue Connection, where they can compete against other corporate teams and gain valuable insights into the transformation from linear to circular business models.
Phone: +49 (0)89-8576146
Lagerhallen, Logistikimmobilien , Logistik-Newsletter , KEP-Dienste , Container, Paletten , Intralogistik & Supply Chain Management (SCM) , Verpackung & Verladung , Versand, Umschlag & Lieferung , Luftfrachtverkehr , Gabelstapler , Fahrerlose Transportsysteme (FTS) , Fashion Logistics , Fördertechnik , Lagertechnik , E-Commerce , Bundesvereinigung Logistik e.V. (BVL) , LogiMAT , Logistik- bzw. Transport-Dienstleistungen , Industrie 4.0 , Neubau (Logistikzentrum) , Digitalisierung & Vernetzung , Logistik-IT , Logistik-Studium , Transport- und Logistik-Dienstleistungen , Kommissionierung