The next International Logistics Exhibition of Barcelona (Salón Internacional de la Logística - SIL) will take place from June 17 to 20, 2025.
SIL, which was born in 1998 as a symposium held at the Casa Llotja de Mar in Barcelona and lead out the following year to the first logistics fair held in Spain, has managed to position itself according to the organizers as one of the world's largest Logistics, Transport, Intralogistics and Supply Chain fairs, and as the sector's benchmark in Spain, the Mediterranean and Latin America.
Phone: +34 93 263 81 50
Lagerhallen, Logistikimmobilien , Logistik-Newsletter , KEP-Dienste , Container, Paletten , Intralogistik & Supply Chain Management (SCM) , Verpackung & Verladung , Versand, Umschlag & Lieferung , Luftfrachtverkehr , Gabelstapler , Fahrerlose Transportsysteme (FTS) , Fashion Logistics , Fördertechnik , Lagertechnik , E-Commerce , Bundesvereinigung Logistik e.V. (BVL) , LogiMAT , Logistik- bzw. Transport-Dienstleistungen , Industrie 4.0 , Neubau (Logistikzentrum) , Digitalisierung & Vernetzung , Logistik-IT , Logistik-Studium , Transport- und Logistik-Dienstleistungen , Kommissionierung