LogiMAT China provides the trade audience with a comprehensive review of all the main themes in the sector, from procurement to production and deliveries. International logistics professionals come to LogiMAT China to discover new ways of optimising processes and reducing costs.
Come along and find out about the trends that are moving the markets. And all about the new technologies and innovative solutions.
Peter Kazander
Tel. +49 (0)89-32391-253
Lagerhallen, Logistikimmobilien , Logistik-Newsletter , KEP-Dienste , Container, Paletten , Intralogistik & Supply Chain Management (SCM) , Verpackung & Verladung , Versand, Umschlag & Lieferung , Luftfrachtverkehr , Gabelstapler , Fahrerlose Transportsysteme (FTS) , Fashion Logistics , Fördertechnik , Lagertechnik , E-Commerce , Bundesvereinigung Logistik e.V. (BVL) , LogiMAT , Logistik- bzw. Transport-Dienstleistungen , Industrie 4.0 , Neubau (Logistikzentrum) , Digitalisierung & Vernetzung , Logistik-IT , Logistik-Studium , Transport- und Logistik-Dienstleistungen , Kommissionierung