For 50 years, Intermodal Europe provides a platform for thousands of individuals from across the container market and beyond to meet, do business, and shape the future of maritime transport. Intermodal Europe is according to the organizer the world-leading exhibition and conference for companies associated with the container and intermodal industries and covers all areas of container transport and logistics across road, rail and sea. The event provides an invaluable industry forum, bringing together high-quality speakers and key exhibitors.
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Lagerhallen, Logistikimmobilien , Logistik-Newsletter , KEP-Dienste , Container, Paletten , Intralogistik & Supply Chain Management (SCM) , Verpackung & Verladung , Versand, Umschlag & Lieferung , Luftfrachtverkehr , Gabelstapler , Fahrerlose Transportsysteme (FTS) , Fashion Logistics , Fördertechnik , Lagertechnik , E-Commerce , Bundesvereinigung Logistik e.V. (BVL) , LogiMAT , Logistik- bzw. Transport-Dienstleistungen , Industrie 4.0 , Neubau (Logistikzentrum) , Digitalisierung & Vernetzung , Logistik-IT , Logistik-Studium , Transport- und Logistik-Dienstleistungen , Kommissionierung