The organiser BME e.V. is - in its own words - Europe’s leading non-profit industry association for Supply Chain, Procurement and Logistic Professionals, uniting more than 9.500 company members and more than €1.25 trillion annual purchasing volume across all industries.
The Summit is designed as an invitation-only event with the major aim of providing a comprehensive networking platform for C-Level Procurement & Supply Chain Executives.
The European Procurement & Supply Chain Excellence Summit 2024 in Frankfurt united experts from 17 countries and has concluded with a powerful message: in the midst of change, our most valuable assets are innovation & collaboration. A great take-away and motivation for the summit in 2025.
Join the summit to discuss and find new approaches that facilitate purpose driven, sustainable and impactful change.
Quelle Text: BME
Lagerhallen, Logistikimmobilien , Logistik-Newsletter , KEP-Dienste , Container, Paletten , Intralogistik & Supply Chain Management (SCM) , Verpackung & Verladung , Versand, Umschlag & Lieferung , Luftfrachtverkehr , Gabelstapler , Fahrerlose Transportsysteme (FTS) , Fashion Logistics , Fördertechnik , Lagertechnik , E-Commerce , Bundesvereinigung Logistik e.V. (BVL) , LogiMAT , Logistik- bzw. Transport-Dienstleistungen , Industrie 4.0 , Neubau (Logistikzentrum) , Digitalisierung & Vernetzung , Logistik-IT , Logistik-Studium , Transport- und Logistik-Dienstleistungen , Kommissionierung